Sunday, December 22, 2024


 Insanity has been defined as doing the same thing over and over .. expecting different results.

Working class America believes Donald Trump is the engine for change. So let me ask the question: what changes do you expect? His cabinet selections are not being chosen for ability, they are being chosen for how wide they open their wallets. And people with big bank accounts want what? One answer: pay less in taxes.

How well did that work going back to the 80's? Back then it was called trickle down economics. The idea was if the rich had more money to spend, they would spend it, and the economy would improve. .. the rising tide lifting all boats. It didn't work. The stock market began a massive climb upward.

We had a black swan event in 2020 .. covid viruses kept everyone home and permanently disrupted supply chains. Grocery shelves were empty. Our brave servicemen were fighting a losing war halfway around the world. Our national debt exploded. What did republicans do? The governor of Florida encouraged spring breakers to come to Florida in March 2020 assuring the nationwide spread of covid as the party animals returned home to their schools. They initiated tariffs to ostensibly protect the remnants of our economy. They "built a wall" because everyone wanting to come here was a drug dealer who wanted to eat my cat.

Fear and loathing is no way to live. I hope and pray that more Lincoln-esque  Republicans will come forth and feel responsible to all Americans, not just the wealthy.

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