So the question is, what do you do when the king of all game fishes eludes you because the wind is blowing like stink and the clouds obscure what you can see?
If you have a really great guide like I do, you do something different. I did something today i have only just heard of. I went fishing for sharks with a fly.
Right now you are saying to yourself "sharks only eat dead fish" or "sharks don't fight".
This "little" guy ran off 200 yards of line real fast before getting beat. So the next time Your target fish isn't on the bite, think outside the box, or at least get a great guide like Captain Anthony Skinner of Key West Florida. He will think outside the box for you.
I landed three of these beautiful killing machines and lost several others because the hook didn't set just right and all the other nonsense that can go on when dealing with fly lines in high wind.
Bottom line? Tony and I had a blast. Maybe tomorrow we will fish for amberjacks.